Reserva abierta de Petit Island


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SKU: B0D6WCV5N6 Categoría:


– Explore Petit Island: Have the purrrfect time of your life! Discover hidden treasures and wild animals on the island. The villages and cities have so much to offer too, so soak up all the knowledge while you can!
– Capture memories: Help your grandpaw reminisce about his adventuresome days by capturing nostalgic spots on the island with your camera. Take a lot of photos with locals, tourists, animals, and everything else you can on the island!
– Meet new friends and local tourists: Get to know the island’s quirky and interesting characters as you go along your journey! Befriend the community to gain their trust – scratch their back, and they scratch yours!
– Let yourself shine: Customize your appearance to your heart’s desire! With plenty of options, you can look exactly how you want to.